Wednesday, August 11, 2010

tonas/jasmine quetion

If i had a final message to the world it would be about alot of things first of i would talk about how i hate the government becuase of the stupid green card laws. I know its sounds dum but becuase of this law i cant see more thsn half my family. I get close to my uncles and sunts who arnt from here and then they get depotrd. It sucks i hate the way the system work. I would also talk about how and who i apreciated in my life time becuase theres tons of people who made me the person i am today and i would defenetly want them to know. But the most important thing that i would have to say is how much i love and appreciate my mother and my granmother becuase they raised me and i was a soo much growing up, but becuase of them my life never went a wrong way, and if it did they would get me straight faster than lighting strikes.

I felt misunderstood plenty of times in my life, im pretty sure everyone has. I know my first day of junior high i was mis understood becuase the 8th graders would pick on me for being so short, and i never could figure out why they didnt like me, i knoww me being short couldnt be a reason for someone not to like someone but it really got to me and i felt like no matter what the older kids would never see me as me and not some short hyper kid, and as for my book i feel as if all the prisnors are misunderstood. In the book true nootbook mr.sills is always juding or is in indenile that any of the boys are doing good work, or even work at all. For example on page 56 mr.sills says " you think this is tough? you think were hard on you? you wanna complain to somebody? well lemme tell you somthing you got a wake up call coming gentelman!"


  1. i hate the government too man they crazy as hell and they hide a lot of stuff and i hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. i hate the government becuase they don't give a damn about the people who live in the world. it's full of lying and just want to make money. but on the ither hand i love your picture because it really show that the people that don't fit in and that's mis understanding people
