@ Louis and Jauvonnie
In Persepolis everyone is trying to make a difference. The whole point of the protesting and dying for the people is there way of trying to change the harsh and cruel and inhuman rules the Shahn has put into place. The rules say that one can not have personal self expression of any sort and if you do your deemed a slut or a crime against nature, The characters have made a difference in me alot. At first I was timid about standing up for my beliefs but now I feel as though I can stand up for myself. It is still sort of hard but it gets better as time goes on. It seems like seeing what they give up makes it seem like what you have to give up is to small in a sense. So when you look at both sttruggles you can not help but think maybe your situation is smaller than anything. I plan to change my efforts and what not to be a better person all around. Im starting to change my level of confidence about my art and my school work. I also intend to paint peoples lives. To show how many sorts of people live there lives to imform people of there struggles.
@Steve and Danielle
This poem speaks to me because of how the author uses the phrase Mama Africa. Its as if as the author tells the story of the boy she also paints Africa story. Its tells how Africa feels and its struggles. The line that really spoke to me was " Mama Africa weeps for her children a vanquished generation lonely African orphan" The picture painted in my head is that the country its self is crying. It feels like Africa is losing itself to violence. A generation is being killed by this bloodshed. The fact that the term generation was used really screams the fact that this is killing too many. It makes you feel as though you should do something but anything yoou do wont be big enough to help. The poem also clearly puts a clear face on the mindsets of the people who believe others are different. It also shows the decent side of how prisoners react to certain situations. The boy could of easily wanted revenge for such a mishap we but stood up fixed his clothes and took it like a man. This shows the diginifed side of those who suffer from this crazy situation.
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