I feel that at that moment in the things I was going through that I wanted a fairytale ending. But I feel if I would have got it the it would have changed how I feel about things in my life today totally. So if I if I could have it now I wouldn’t want it. Simply because I am grateful of the things I have in life. And also I don’t think I would be as mentally strong as I am today. I can see why we go through hardships and it has made me a better person in the end. I feel also that not being exposed to feeling hurt or growing through with problems I wouldn’t be able to grow through them if I had a fairytale ending. I like my life like it is now but I know if I had chance then I would have took it. I would like to change the way people think. To contribute I think I can help set up an organization which would contribute money but also make it aware to the people that genocide is a serious issue and that its not ok . I would also tell them to think of every victim as there brother or sister. I feel that to make this work we have to first inform what going on then . Get people to get emotionally attached to the issue , then we can then work to stop it together. So other then money that’s what I would to help the cause . Because I am so passionate about making a change in the world but I can can only do so much by my self so that why I want to let everyone know that this is the right thing to do.
I could not agree more with your outlook on fairy tales.