There have been alot of instances in my life were i have wished for a fairy tail ending but in the end got the opposite, for example when i was on the school radio station. we started of great we had a couple people listening and all together it was a great time until one day... we had the b96 radio staion broadcasting at our school that day because of a huge football game going on. because of this game alot more people than usual were listnening and because of the broadcasting interuption from b96 we could not use the dump button (erases 20 seconds of live broadcasting) so we were doing are show as usuall when suddenly i hear my freind john scream "FUCK!!!" i look over to him and relise my other partner Chen had turned his headphones up all the way and he freaked out! not knowing the dumb button wasnt working chen yealled "FUCK MAN PRESS THE DUMP BUTTON QUICK" i dived for the butoon but then relized it wasnt working and started freaking after that happened i got a phone call from our teacher screaming at me telling me i could be arrested for this and that we have at least 30 to 40 listeners today that all heard our little freak out and were sending in complaints. after the incident the next monday i went in to see my teacher, he knew i wasnt the one that was swearing so he told me he would see what he could do with getting me in next semester but the board all heard about my rep and decided they didnt want another incident like that. If i would have just been able to join radio again with no problem then i would have never learned that you cant just mess up like that and get away with it you have to always make sure if your working with someone they have to be just as dedicated as you are, or else youle be stuck getting hurt for their mistakes.
This sounds like something that would happen or probably has happened in a scene on a TV show likes Saves The Bell or something haha.