Day 10 -
I think the boys in True Notebooks are trying to make a difference in their lives and change themselves to do better. They didn't have motivation until Mark encouraged them, but now that he has they all seem to have started realizing that they have potential. In some ways it motivates me to do better in my life by not letting people's opinions hold me back. This also applies to the rest of the world, and the million bones project. Even if I'm only making one bone, it is going to contribute to a whole bunch more and really make a change in the world.
POEM - "I lived as best I could, and then I died.
Be careful where you step: the grave is wide."
This poem really resonated with me, even if it is a simple two sentences.
As cliche as it sounds, life is so much like a roller coaster, it has it's ups, and then it's downs. I love how the author says he lived his life the best they could - to me this means taking risks, going all out and making something of it. But at the same time it's easy to lose track and get into this mind set that we are all bulletproof. Sometimes I forget things won't always fall into place the way I hope when I take a risk. People die everyday, and the grave really is wide.
Recently, my friend Chris drowned in lake michagan in a boating accident. It really tripped me out.. We always think "oh yea that could happen to me" but when it really does you truly understand the gravity of that statement. It made me learn not to do stupid shit just because I want to have a good time, you have to think ahead - if the juice is really worth the squeeze.
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