Adam: in my book persepolis the character marjane is forced tofake the real person she is, I think this because when she moved to austria she made friends that didn’t really care for her at all but she stayed friends with them because she thought she didn’t have anyone else…like for instence she started doing drugs and doing things that she wasn’t supsse to do and. And also I can say in the book that when she was asked what ethnicity she was she said french I felt it was her not being able to say what she really was because she was embarassed. And I have also have been in lots of situations where I have been where I had to do things that I didn’t want to do. Like one time it was a hard time for me and my family so I needed to help my mom pay bills… I mean im still a teenager why do I have to pay bills but I mean hey I had to do it because I didn’t want to stay in a house with no lights or without hot water, or the fact that I and my family had to eat so I had to eat, I mean I had to pay bills instead of going shopping with my friends my friends would say hey lets hit the mall, and im like no man I gatta help my mom pay bills sothats one things that im actually hated doing but I did it because I had to eat and stay at the home so it actually benificted me at all times I didn’t have to worry about the light go off or not having food in the house or the hot water going off and having cold water for everything… so it helped me in the long run!
C.J: oh my gosh I would so protest first off I would say to others who are trying to do it is “look at the people who you are killing imagine them to be you or to be a family member or a friend” and I would also say “what the hell are you thinking doing this to people?” like I cant even grasp the fact that this is still happening now and truthfully I might go on telling them that’s its wrong…. And if that don’t work I might result to violence…to maybe “self defense” and then tell them its wrong and then let them make that desion… but then again I don’t think I would do anything because first history repeats its self so I have a voice and I will use it but that doesn’t mean that they will change their mind and as well that goes along for the violence comment I made… I can beat them up but that doesn’t mean they will change what they are doing, so truthfully im not sure what I would do actually!
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