I liked the website . I personally feel its going to touch many peoples hearts just as it did mine. Also I feel that genocide has been ignored because of people lack of either interest to want to know about it. Or either people just not knowing about it. I don’t think that its much of everyone concern because of the simple facet either theres not enough info on it or it hasnst reach publice. But I think with this genoicied will be looked at as worng and that something needs to be done about it. And I will love to get involved and help . Because this is something that I believe needs to be put to a end . Because everyone has the potential to be great but no one has to the right to take your life away from you . I don’t like to see death I don’t don’t like to see children cry ain pain from not having food or the necessary needs to take care of them . Because I realize that they have a life just like me and if I can make a bone to donate to the cause to put a stop to this then I should and I will
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