Day 10
Making a difference is how you become something bigger than yourself in life. You can not think that just because you do a lot to better yourself in life that you will be respected the same as someone who has nothing but does a lot to better their environment. This is why I believe politicians, lawyers, and doctors are the most looked up to jobs because we all need them for something and they make a difference.
Myself I understand this that’s why in my old neighborhood I started my own little football league. We didn’t have jerseys or referees, I simply just got together the kids that was younger than me to play football every Sunday to keep them off the street. It eventually turned into teams that were set and every week these kids would play their hearts out. At the end of the summers when professional football would start I’d throw a big football party for them to watch and eat. This lead to me sending 5 boys to high school who made their schools football teams on the first tryout. I’m proud to say the boys are still playing and not in jail or dead. I made a difference.
Also the character in my book Marjane wants to make a difference as well. From a little girl to now where I’m at in the book to college she always speaks her mind to instructors to let them know what the people in her community are going through everyday. When she attended college it wasn’t long before she was sent to the Islamic commission for speaking what she felt was the truth. Speaking up to higher powers is a great tool to making a difference.
That was a generous thing you did with the football team. I'm sure they will live with that memory for the rest of their lives