Genocide is a serious action on what is going on in the world today. I think that genocide is allowed in the world today threw hatred and jealousy. I believe people that commit genocide do not know how deal with different cultural experiences. I believe that most people in different countries today allow this because they don't know how to control their actions of a reason to commit genocide. I think genocide is like the game following the leader. They do not know when to stop they just keep following. A main reason why people allow this to happen is they do not know how to express or show emotion. They are afraid to admit they are isolate dd with their own culture. They want everyone to live in a one culture society.
I would not go along with our government to commit genocide on a particular race because i believe that is bullshit. I believe that our government wants to act in a society that they want everything to be the same. I also believe that the media with propaganda is always supporting it because they play the game following the leader. I just think we need to stop relying on our government decisions so much because in a way they are mind controlling us to follow their rules even though our own constitutions states we are no longer part of a controlled country. I think our government doesn't even care about our Constitution any more because they want to make up their own bull shit. I would protest by uniting everyone together and asking them what do you want to be changed. How do you feel about the government in our society today. I would make the protest into a violent action because it would just make things ugly and may turn into something relating to genocide.
In Persepolis Marjane hated following the Shah new "rules". In her adult years, she wanted to enjoy life and enjoy the little things. When she attended a party she was having a good time. One of her friends saw a patrol guardian of the revolution out the window. They knew they were going to get in trouble because they were enjoying their culture. She hated the fact that the guardian was stopping the fun time and ruined the night by taking her friend to prison. She knew that she was going to get in trouble by disobeying the rules. After her and her friends seemed to put the negative aspects of what bad things happened that night. They turned those negative things into a funny aspect. She didn't really want to want to talk to the guardian about what was going on at that party however she knew that she had to because of the Shah new "rules".
what have you had to do in your life that you were truly against but forced yourself to because it had to be done for a greater good?
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