@ Terri
I dont know how I could make a difference. I always planned to paint the story of peoples lives and show it to the world. I guess I could paint or draw the face of genocide and show the world how it looks to me which isnt a bad idea. On the other hand it feels so small compared to what other could do but its a start. If a few people can see what genocide does to people then we have made a difference in someones life. If one person is reached they will reach another. And so the cycle would repeat. The fact is im not as settled as mosty people. Ideas are always there so this is just a beta step intow hat I think will be my ultimate project.
Never had a fairy tale ending. Those do not exist for me if i did i could imagine me being spoiled and expecting all good shit to happen. That just isnt life so I would of been hit harder by not walking across the stage than i already was at first. Fariy tale ending would of ruined my perspective on life alot because I would not know the idea of negative outcomes and backire. Truth is Id probably demand stuff went my way rather than making it happen. The way I see it always having what you want or having something end the way you want all the time ruins your perspective on life and ultimately kills any trace of negativity leading to your own demise when you go encounter it. I thank the fact I never got one for if I did I would be naive and corrupted by always having that sspecial ending in my situations never really learning a lesson.
just show you the real shit, i know thats right. don't try to fool me because life is fuck up and that what i need to see, the real stuff.