Just by looking at the video and the website I can tell that she rteallt crae . I never even thought about what was happening to them. She open my eyes to a whole different world. Namai makes me want to help half of those bones but I don’t have money like that. I would like to say that I like what she doing. Because in todays we don’t have a voice or the people who was getting hurt or who die. Bvut today her’s and their voice was heard . but I would like to ask question how big of a act wold this have on the world ? Would this really wrok ? she said it herself it’s the government falt that this is happen. Now what would they do now. Would they try to top ths project? They have been the main reason for all of this that’s goes on in the world. And this is the poep,e we put in office these are the people who are oppose to protrotect . really what the hell are we doing. We see thwm on tv telling us what they can do for us. And how they can make changes. Full of B.S.. I really don’t kno who to trust as far as the government goes. Naioma as a grest project going and I know it will touch people harets as well as it did for me. Because I had no clue about any of this
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