Genecide is a huge problem on our planet right now but one that is not really treated the way it should be. Humans have had a nack for reacting when itts to late take the holocaust for instance, we should have fucked the natzies up long before we did and saved the lives of thousands of jews, but we didnt and now we are doing the exact same thing with the worldwide genecides people are dieing everyday and if we dont do something soon they are all going to suffer. I reacted very strongly towards this project because not only did i learn alot about genecides from the bones project but i also watched slumdog millionair the next day wich also showed how people in india are still being treated like slumdogs and tourturing kids and theres nothing anyone is going to do about it this movie and the presentation together gave me a understanding for whats going on in these countries and makes me feel like they really do need alot of help but they arent getting it.

Everyone does things in their lives that they strongly regret but i believe that learning from your lessons is the only way to actually grow as a human being. in true notebook all of the kids have done things they obviously regrret but to show wether they are strong enough to make in the real world will be shown when they are released if nathaniel realy does go back to being a gangster it proves that hes week and although i think he is the smartest kid in the class hes wasting his talent on the street which will never get him anywhere. I have done alot of things in my life that i regret, one of them being when i was speeding on ogden avenue. when i first got my license i was really excited because ive had my voltwagon pasat for a while now but could only drive it with my perents and when there out id someetimes sneak it. well lets just say when i finally got my license i thought i was invinsable for some reason i could speed everywhere and never get caught i did this for months until finally the day came, i was on the way to drop of my freind and my girlfreind was bitching at me because she wanted to get home and well one thing led to another and i ended up going 60 in a 35 if i would have been going five more over i could have been charged with a state charge which would not be good for me at all since im not even a citizen but the cop ended up giving me the speeding ticket and a to many people in the car ticket (but let me off for a curfew ticket) which added up to a fucking lot of money including the fee i had to pay for court costs and an extra fee just for being from a different country. since that i have not been speeding (as much) i will only do it if its truly necesary
haha we used the same picture! didn't even notice.