Day 12 by salt
Genocide is running rampage like in African countries all over. To stop it has not been solved or even touched upon in my opinion. Genocide goes on for just absolutely no reason. The fact of you killing people who can not fight back is weird. I mean if the case is ruling the helpless humans then all of the horrible things the countries have done they should just use it as a threat to scare the people into doing what you want them to do. To me it just goes on because misery loves company. I mean if the culture of these societies were thriving I don’t think they would waste time raping and killing women and children. So in my opinion the frustration of being poor and running a country that is not going anywhere turns into violent vile acts. I mean that’s the only thing I have because my mind do not think on the level of human being who do those type of things.
If genocide was done in my country and I was not of the race the country was persecuting then I would just keep my mouth closed. I don’t think when government over rules things you could try to stop what they are doing by being a gunless tyrant. To get things accomplished within the government you have to get apart of it. That’s what I would do I would try to get as far as I could politically in the government , then slowly change things over time. Under any circumstances however I would never treat the other race dis respectively I would simply keep my mouth close and be their spy as I climb in the government. To change things and win a strategy is the best way.
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