Marjane is always forced to do stuff she does not want to like wearing a veil. She knows if she does not wear it rules will be enforced. She also has to deal with great injuistces but she speaks out against those alll the time. Marjane as a child had to put up with alot more in my eyes being a child during the revolution she had to swallow her tongue and let some of the things that were done to her and her family go. In Persepolis there are not many occassions when people take whats given to them. The only people who do are those who wear veils and have the fundamentalist mindset. Most people are scared into this lifestyle because they see no other way to live.
To me apologizing is hard for me its to hard and i have to swallow my pride to ultimately do it. Sometimes you think about how embarassing, and undiginified it will make you look so you refuse to do anything.Another thing i do even though I dont want to is take peoples insults or smart comments. I do this becuase int he end theylll be the ones left behind me when I move on. Though I do not always handle it well I tend to lash back with sarcasm at times. I also have a hard time staying in class but I do because I have to to be sucessful in and make it out there int he world and stuff.
Genocide is acceptable as long as it isnt your own people. We allow it because int he end if they interfer we will not be able to handle the outcome. I think it some ways we are right but wrong. We should help but at the same time we are not prepared to handle the outcome as well as we think. In the war in Iraq we said we shoudl help free these people yet the outcome sruck us hard. We started somethign that will take A LONG time to heal as our econmomy. I feel as though our decisiont o invade Iraq was a bad one because we just went head first really. I dont see the war we are really fighting other than to start terriorist attack on our country. Yes ti did need to be handled but not by a full scale war. Some poeple in Iraq probably feel as though weve made the hold on them worse by coming. What happens after we leave? What does the Usa do about our crisis?
If genocide was ok'd I would not have a stance it is truly one instance when I would be speechless and I would not be bale to take it. Truth is genodice is ok everyone a black man kills another our generation because diminished everyday. That is a personal genocide that can not be stopped. I dont have an exact answer ont his part due to conflicting issues and emotional ties. I would nto want to bring a biased opinion to the table as since genocide is emotional feelings and sensetivity will get involved as it did with Iraq. Poeple thought with there hearts and emotions rather than logically to me. As it stands I dont have a set reaction.
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