Dear United States of America,
I come to you needing a HUGE favor. Imagine your daughter is being used as sexual toy? How would you feel? What if a man just came in your house and took her from her bed and had sex with her right in front of you and you could do nothing about it? After he's done he slices her throat and leaves her dead in your crying arms. Imagine your son 13 years old about to go to his first day of 8th grade and then some grown men come and take him and the next time you see him its a year later and he's doing to your neighbors daughter what happen to your daughter? Horrific right and provacotive, this I know but in places like Burma and Darfur this happens everyday. This is caused by their government. You can't defend yourself against the government it's impossible. The only way to defeat a government is with a bigger government. That's what we have the U.S.A. has the biggest and strongest government int he world. I know this because we demonstrate this everytime we have a problem over something as petty as money or even power. So, big tough guys of the government i ask you if you really are as tough as you demonstrate when it comes to oil lets go to these small countries and take them out of power to help our brothers and sisters.
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