my question:
In true note book their are alot of charicters that have to do things they truly didnt want to. not just the inmates even though they would probably be the best example of having to do something they dont want to but they are actually forced into going their, alot of the staff work there volunteerly and this shows how strong they are because without them the prison would not work as well as it does now take duane for example he did not want to work there anymore and mark at the beggining of the book was terrified of going there but ended up doing it because he knew it was right.
When I was at high school i had to do alot of things i really did not want to like academics all togethre for an example but my senior year i finally relized if i didnt work hard to get the hell out of there i would have to stay for another year and i would rather go work at mcdonlads than do that so i decided to try my hardest and ended up graduating and doing really well in my art classes at the same time. sometimes you just have to swallow your pride and do what you gota do.

CJ question
The reason genecide is still allowed in todays world i think is because of dumb ass govermental officials that are to afraid to fight against things that are obviously wrong. they believe that because its not going on in there country they dont have to do anything about it which is rediculous because we could be helping out real people with real problems instead of spending all our money on creating entertainment devices and other wastefull things. If there was a genecide in america against a certain race i would not go along with it at all i have always wanted the chance for an intense protest and although i never want a genecide to happen here if it did happen i would be more than happy to devote my life to stopping it and helping the victims out, i believe we are all the same so if anyone ever discriminates against someone of a different color or culture i would stand in between them and tell them if there going to hate on them cause there of a different culture you might as well hate on me too cause were both people and i have my peoples back.
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