When I was younger I was really hard headed like Nathaniel I was an agitator and just really irritating and took a while to learn my lesson. In elementary school I would constantly get in trouble for talking back and just being a brat. I would get hit with the yard stick at least once a day everyday. Once I got picked up my folks would yell at me too. I remember in kindergarten when it was nap time I would flip the other boys out of their cots. Then Ms. Nelson would make me hold out my hand and hit me. I remember My hand being red I don't remember crying and I did it often so It must not have hurt to bad. Nathaniel actually irritates the heck out of me, he reminds me of someone from highschool. I don't understand when people have someone taking time out of their life to be there with you, they don't have to be and you still act like a penis. I never understood that, hopefully in these last few chapters he gets it together he's still worrisome to me now but thats how life is i don't dislike him for it tho and I wish all these fellas the best. As of now I don't see me doing things that will get me in trouble. I'm older and more mature and know right from wrong.
Seeing the artwork from the million bones was really something, I like how people took time from their lives to make things like cradles and bones for the projects. It gives you a hope that things will change and not always be as they are. It shows that people still care and want to see things get better. I feel genocide is hard to overcome because there is still so much hatred and animosity. People are still mad about things that happen years ago, I know you cant forget the past but don't blame the present people for things that were done by past people. We all are born innocent with a clean slate, we can change things if we really tried to, but there will always be some people who can't let go, and want to hurt others.
Seeing the artwork from the million bones was really something, I like how people took time from their lives to make things like cradles and bones for the projects. It gives you a hope that things will change and not always be as they are. It shows that people still care and want to see things get better. I feel genocide is hard to overcome because there is still so much hatred and animosity. People are still mad about things that happen years ago, I know you cant forget the past but don't blame the present people for things that were done by past people. We all are born innocent with a clean slate, we can change things if we really tried to, but there will always be some people who can't let go, and want to hurt others.
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