We all do things that we know would get us in trouble if we got caught. But thats just the thing, if we get caught. Most of the time we don't. Its because of this fact that we continue doing those things that we do. after a certain point, we numb ourselves to the fact that it is wrong because we have gotten away with for so long... take me for example. I used to steal candy from the corner store. not because I really wanted the candy, I just thought it was fun. that was my justification, I thought it was fun, and I never got caught. but there was one day, when this became a habbit for me, that i was at target and I saw a pack of pokemon cards that I actually wanted. so i reached forward and grabbed the pack and stuffed it into the inside pocket of my jacket. everything was going ok. i had gotten out of the door. i was half way through the parking lot and i felt a hand on my shoulder. it was the target security gaurd. aparently he had seen my pocket the cards and followed me to see what i would do. he then escorted me back to his office and proceeded to call my parents. i was in tears at this point because i didn't know what was going to happen to me. from then on i have always done things by the book because i will never forget the look my mom gave me. that look of disappointment. i still remember it to this day... In true notebooks the characters have similer experiences but based on thir upbringing is how they would feel about the crimes they have commited. some feel justified in their actions, and therefore have a lack of remorse, others feel terrible about what they did and have changed their lives so that when/if they get out they will never do those things again.
I have a similar story. When I was little, I was in the jewel with my mom and I was by the open candy isle. I wanted it so bad I just took the piece of candy out of the barrel and ate it. The sercirty gaurd caught me and He brought me to my mom. I knew it was wrong after words because it was steeling. I learned from my mistakes and thats why I never steel anything again.
ReplyDeleteI never stole anything but I had the urge to man..pokemon cards were hot back then though I have been givent he look of disappointment by mother on topics such as serious theft accusations and accusations of drug use on school property. Apparently people tend to think im always high or something at school but Im not.