I am not going to lie other than the donation and making the bones there is really not much i am going to do for the people in genecide and i really doubt most of the people that were involved in the bones project will. now im not saying they dont deserve it and that i am not willing but the fact that i have never been able to meet or expeirience anything to do with genecide makes it a charity that i do not connect with as much. i do wish i could save all those kids but there is really not that much i can do expecially if i am getting involved in charitys that i am much more personalized with like saving animals for example. although i do believe these kids in genecide need help alot more and anytime someone brings a donation box and asks me for some money ill give them what i got to make sure that i am at least contributing to the cause. Also i will let other know about this terrible thing thats going on and hopefully in my telling of genecide ill find a person who is truly moved by their story and decideds to dedicate their entire life to saving them.
Same thing I said I agree got to be honest