Genocide is still allowed because of the governments non concern on the issue . I feel that the government only intervenes in certain situations only if it benefit’s there country. And I think that some countries allow because of maybe they paid them off not to interfere with them. Also its still allowed because most people don’t even know it is going on for that fact or either just don’t care because it is not happening to them. People have to think that if it was us our children our men our women getting killed then they would have a more emotional connect . And then I think that they wont allow it going on . If my country was to do order genocide I wouldn’t go along with it regardless to the mess the would feed me through media because I know for a fact that it is dead wrong for a government or anyone to do it . I would protest by saying that it is wrong voicing my view even if it gets me killed. I believe that dieing for the because of believing in the right is better then living and conforming the idea or doings of something totally wrong. Marjane didn’t want to veils because she hated it . But she had to anyway so that she wouldn’t be put to death. I remember I wanted to beat up my cousin for what she did to me but instead I didn’t because I was taught that fighting family was wrong . I did it so it wouldn’t cause conflict with our mothers . So I think I did a good thing cause I got over it and she apologized so in the end it all worked out the best on my part
You're right, if America were the ones dealing with a mass amount of genocide we'd be all over it.