Tonas: yes the character’s in my books do things all the time and they have to hide in order to not get into trouble, like for instance having partys and drinking alcohol is banned at this time in iran and marjane and her family goes to the party’s and drink anyway to me this is saying that they don’t care about there lives because as well they could be arrested or even killed just for doing something so simple as to partying and drinking. I have done this before where I have had made a poor decision on my part and it was looked down apon and it was a negative response it was a time when I was with my boyfriend and we where with frienda and we decided to damage a piece of property and we all knew it was wrong and so it was a negative thing and I felt like I could have a better choice as well as marjane she went to a party and the government heard the party and the cops busted the party and one of her friends died from jumping off a roof and didn’t make it that’s why I say that it could cost her her life and that would have been worse but it was also like me where it could have costed me going to jail and having no fine at all. So yes me and marjane have made bad choces in my opionon .
Maddy: I feel that its hard to over come genocide because people normally don’t want to talk about it, I think they feel that its not that serious but once they finally find out what it is and they put themselves in the victimes shoes they see how it effects people… right now I have a passion to help stop this because this could be any one of us in the situation of the victimes and I feel as the people of america we are going over seas to fight I think that we should go over sea’s to help rebuild the people who arein this perdicument now and need the help of other’s . and I just cant help but to think that this really could be me or someone else in my famliy and its not just family it could just be someone I know. And the art work of the cradles really touched me bcause people have baby’s all the time and I thnk that the cradle project touched a lot of people because of the stories behind them!
i agree that people dont wont to talk about genocide and they can even imagine it happening to them so that a big key factor why it cant be stoped right now also
ReplyDeletewhat didd you destroyyyyy!!!!!!!!???