Maddy kind of seeing the art work bring a whole new world to my eyes I use to be blind to this whole thing I guess you can say that I’m living in my own world and now this his open up my eyes to what the world is really like it not all peaches and cream. So I would say that the art work open my eyes to the horrible things that are still happening and I also think we will not overcome genocide soon because as I said before the world is so self center so you will always have those people in the world that wants the big part of life and they feel that the world should be ran a different way. Also the people that are in those hiring positions also have a mess up perception of life so the part of the world that they own they will run it the way they want it to be ran. Sometimes it’s also they do thing to get what they. They feel like they have to make a point and keep the people that they in charge of in fear so they will never have the power to rise up and get the spot to change the bad things that is happen right now.
Tonas this story is going to be funny now when I was little my mom would always buy these fruit snack and I would always want one so I would ask for one because we have to ask if we could have something. So one day I ask if I could have a fruit role up and my mom said no, I wanted one soooo bad so late that night I went in the kitchen and stole 3 of them and eat them all while everyone was sleep I was eating all the fruit snack. So the next day my brother ask for one and my said we all could have one so when my mom went to the box she seen that the box was open. So I knew right then and there that I was going to get in trouble. So my mom ask me who was stealing and my dad came in and watch the whole thing I said I didn’t and lie like 7 time about it than all of a sudden my dad told on my ass he went to my bed went under it all pull out all the fruit roll up paper . Then I said to myself I should have flushed the paper down the toil. So I get caught got a whipping. I could not have any of the fruit snacks in the house at that time. But I didn’t care. And every time snacks came in the house and I ask for
ahaha thats too funny
ReplyDeleteat least your were allowed to eat fruit roll ups. I wasnt allowed to because they are bad for my teeth. which is a stupid reason.
ReplyDeletethat's hilarious. fruit by the foot