Genocide is a bad thing. It does not mean that a certain group of people are bad but it means they are different in the eyes of others. Hitler had the same intent during the Holocuast to leave nothing but his kind left. Hiler waas stopped. People often play the why dooesnt the USA come to aid. The thing is the USA can not always interverne in others affairs. The USA and other countries can not always play hero and save the day. You see how the war in Iraq is as we tried to help. In trying to help me made things better and worse for the people of that country and for ourselves. No one really thinks about the long term affects of such things as you can tell by the war in iraq. The only thing on peoples minds is saving people. People do not understand one can not gain with sacrafice in some instances. The world can not be free of violence or racism for that mattter. The fact that people want to play hero is funny due to how that tends to work out. Its fine and dandy to say lets go help the genocide victums send trioops in and save this but it does nto work that way. What are the ong term affects? what if it doesnt work do we have the funds for this. Its nice to cry for the people of genocide but sometimes we must take into account our own lives first. We were all for HEY LETS GO GET IRAQ FOR WHAT THEY DID TO US THOSE BASTARDS. In the end we did not think about what the outcome was and we got more than we bargained for an economic depression, lost jobs and a failed economy. Now all we can say is FUCK THE WAR WITHDRAW.
Sometimes humaans or rather USA citizens can be narrow minded on things such as war and other global issues. We want whats to come become giving upw hats to give up. We say we want to stop CO2 emissions but int he end do we want to give up our lifestyle. Other countries look at us and say we worst too much energy do we care? naaa were happy killing the world as it seems.
Lets just get to the point we can not be heroes and save the genocide victums we can not just go in there and bust a cap int he asses of those tyrants. If it were that easy wed have done it in iraq. I dislike the hero facade we give the usa. WE talk the talk but fail to walk the walk.
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