Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Adam Barber

If i was on my death bed and i wanted to write a message that would describe myself and the life i lived i would first start off explaining how i dedicated practically my entire life to art, but even though its the biggest part of my life i dont think it would be my focal point in my message. The most important part of my life would have to be expierience, I have been to alot of different countries and done alot more than the average teenager. I would not want to seem like im bragging but im one of those people that cant imagine myself sitting in a big house watching tv with my wife and kids everyday of my life, I need excitment in my life or i feel empty and i believe this is the person i truly am i want to expeirience all the wonders of the world before i die. Also in this message i would also explain how much i love to draw and listen to music, if im not traveling or going out on an adventure with my freinds you will usually find me drawing because its the only thing that will allow me to keep still otherwise i have to be off doing something or ill tweak.

This question kind of corresponds with tonasses because francisco explains in the message that everyone looks at him as a criminal and a hard asss, but in reality he is a man of many talents that is just trying to discover who he really is and sure he may have goten in a little trouble but that doesnt make him a bad person hes just a guy that made some mistakes and now has to suffer severely for it.

I have been misunderstood a couple of times in my life mainly by adults because most grown people believe that i am a teenager and teenagers know absolutely nothing... but this is false and i prooved it when i went to my freind keelans 25 year old brothers house for a party. Seeing as though i was the youngest one their they all expected me to be a stupid kid and not be able to hold a good conversation but i prooved them wrong when they started talking about Aesop Rock and Cage (rappers) like keelan his brother and all his freinds are all into poetic underground rappers and they probably figured that the only rap i knew was all the shitty commercialized rappers that you always hear on the radio well little did they know that not only is aesop and cage my two favourite rappers but they both have official artist whom are also my favourite artists! (alex pardee, Jeremy fish) after about ten minutes of hearing them talk crap about cages extremly messed up life i had to intevine and explain to them how nearly everything they were saying about his life was false. After argueing with them for a long while we all decided to go look up his biography (that i have practically memorized) We read the article they were all amazed that a group of striving rappers were just prooved wrong by a kid 7 years younger than them. Ever since that day i have always been welcome at keelans brothers house and everytime i come everyone welcomes me as one of their own which just goes to show you cant judge a book by its cover.

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