Well in my book true noot book all of the prisnoers identity is basically taken from them when they step in the he prison, alot of them talk about how they dont even know themselves any more, becuase there life feels pointless to them after being neglected by other prisnores and the staff. ts a home with no love. Jimmy is always talking about how life is pointless and he'd rather not be alive. I feel he feels that way becuase he cant get an education or nothin so he feels like quiter. My identity is soo much diffrent when i go to mexico with my family. Even walking around i get looked at wierd becuase im from the states. People have robbed our house and stole our donkeys and cars , and its all becuase we live in america. Its super to make friends there becuase im looked at like im a crazy person. I can definatley relate to the kids situation.

Mr.Sills is one of the people whos runs the prison units in the story true noot book, and he is that person who wants you to obey him and listen no matter what but with your head up. And the characters fransico, nathaniel, ben wong, jimmy wu, and kevin, always shape up as soon as any staff memember tells them a order, and its like mrs. narsons son had to go to war so he could go to heaven, and the prisnors have to obey right away so they wont get in trouble, its like both two diffrent charcters have two diffrent storys but the same decesion making outcome.
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