Although in the book the charicters never really get looked down on for the way they dress because there all wearing orange jumpsuits but i garuntee when they were free they got alot of negativety towwards the way they dressed because they are mostly all gang members and when a person sees you wearing local gang colors they will be afraid of you.

In my book true note book the charicters are faced everyday with the with the choice of either giving up on their faith or still believing in god even though they are locked up. Take francisco for instance he didnt believe in god while he was a free man but now that he is locked up he actaully found god wich gave him enough faith to want to strive to be better.
Honestly i am nuetral when it comes to god i do understand why some people do look up to him andgo to church because it gives you faith that their something after death and that your life isnt meaningless but to me i believe my faith resides on wether or not i make something of myself while im alive, there may be a god helping me and if so then i appreciate it but at this point in my life i think that the only person who can allow me to have an amazing life and be a nice guy has nothing to do with wether or not i want to go to heaven or not (i do!) but i just do it so the short time i spend on earth isnt wasted.
dude i love the pic with the guy with the red hair....so funnny!!!!!!