I remember when I first started growing breast . I was very young like 11 . I went through so many changes with my body then and was upset because I wanted to be flat chested like all the other kids. They picked a teased saying that I stuffed . Someone boys would even bump into me just to see if they were real or not. And It really hurted my feelings . I wish they would’ve accepted me but they didn’t. And I just learn not to acknowledge it . My Grandma told me there’s going to be some people that like and there’s going to be some that don’t . But don’t let that make you feel bad an any way. Marjane also has gone through problems in the book were here punk since of style she had was not excepted . On pages 130- 132 she almost was sent to the commite because of the way she dressed and just like when I felt bad about being teased ahe felt bad for being not able to where the clothes she wanted .Marjane face adversity a lot . She believes she should be able to think a certain way and feel a certain way and still be accepted . Personally I think she deals with for the simple fact of safety but she necessarily doesn’t like being put in that position. I could say that my beliefs have never really crossed a path and kept me at a standstill . but I can say that my belief actually help me to move forward in life . And give me a reason to wake up everyday . So in this situation I feel kind of different from marjane because my beliefs never gave me a problem . Because they keep me grounded and keep my head on straight.
I feel people are bullied on because they have nothing else to do. and they want people to view them as cool. I however also feel that people are jealous of what other people have. I am right besided you because i was picked on for a lot of things. you are not alone.