Day 8 Leah
When I was younger I never knew color mattered so much to people. I had never looked at one of my friends like oh he’s light skinned or oh she’s dark skinned. I even believed people that lived in other countries could be green or blue. However for some odd reason I never thought anybody was red. So color was just not a factor and was not visible to me. It was as random and common as a nose or even an ear. Looking at others this way was so foreign to me. I learned of that this was common and even serious when I reached the 6th grade. The girls decided to have a grading system on how the boys looked, so the boys did one also for the girls. The system hit a bad point when everyone with darker skin received bad grades, I was one of them. During this time my skin started to get darker do to puberty and the summer time. I felt so low like a couldn’t even eat. I thought o.k. no one likes this complexion and I have to live with it forever. After that I started to dress over the top so people could say at least he dress nice. This lasted about a year when all of a sudden girls started liking darker boys. So I realized that girls like whatever is hot whether it be music or boys. After that I just decided I was gorgeous and material things don’t make you a better person.
In Persepolis Marjane lived in a society where she couldn’t express herself the way she wanted. So when she wore American brand clothes and had a western culture aura this did not sit well with women in the country. Also her family was a victim of the same treatment. They liked to drink liquor but the Islamic Regime outlawed it so when they were followed home one day by two henchman of the regime they had to rush upstairs and pour out the liquor they had in the house. So we all to some extent are judged wrongfully against because people are not like us.
yeah we are worngfully against. i agree totally with u ... o by the way i like your skin tone :) lol
ReplyDeleteI can relate on the grading system bullshit. I can also identify with the fact that at first I did not know what was out there and that I thought there were all colors out there. That was further fueled by when i learned that back int he day restaurants had whites and colored on it. I never really considered race at first I though people were all like me light skinned, something I was at the time. After being exposed to downtown Chicago and music at a young age I learned that the world is indeed a rainbow of colors each one unique and needed to make the world shine and be beautiful.
ReplyDeletehey.... i would have to say i like ur skin tone and the same thing happened to me see im like two shades darker then my sister and everyone says shes so light shes cute and im like what yall dont like darker people!!!!????
ReplyDeleteI wish there where green and blue people, that sounds awesome.