Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 7: Molly


Dear Stranger

This is my last goodbye to the world. I know a lot of people may look at me like a spolied brat. However, I do not find my self that way. My parants are comfortable and they want me to have a life that is normal but well grounded. I wouldnt say I am rich because I am not. Most people say "wow your house is so nice I want to move in." I do not like to brag about my life style. Its my parents that raised me in a home that I want to be comfortable in. I hate when people say that think I am spoiled. Even though it may seem that way with the things I own and where I live, I still appericate them.
I hate bragging because a lot of people think you are a spoiled bitch. I am not like that all. I do not like it when people use me just to come over and say they know me as the girl with the nice house. I am a good friend and I would like to share my friend quialities with all of you.
I wish people will look at me like everyone else. I have a hard time trusting people because I was being taking advantage of alot. Since I am in a comfortable home I still call it my home. Everyone is that way, even if they are poor, rich, or in the middle they can still call a place home. People need to realized that you need to appericate what you have instead of having nothing at all.

If I where to say farwell to all of you I would tell you that I am a good person. I dont judge people based on thier lifestyle or where they live.


You may look at me and seem like I am the quite girl. I hate when people judge me when they dont even have the chance to get to know me. I feel like I am missunderstood on that factor all the time. Once I open up to you I can be loud, funny, random, and really outgoing. To you that might be a shocker. I like to keep to my self a lot because I usually have a lot on my mind. It depends what mood am I in and how I am feeling that day.

I am like Marjane because when she was in her teenages years she kept to her self alot. When she was alone with out her family she didnt really care about everyone. People will go up to her and ask her how are things. She doesnt really care about those kinda questions like I do. I do not like when people ask that because you know the answer you are going to get. I t will usually be "I am amazing", "good" "alright" and so on. To me it is just an average joe question. I am not being a asshole to you. I am telling you that I am just a simple girl who wants to have a normal converstation with out asking the same questions.