Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Dear Stranger:

I don't know exactly what to say to you, but I'll start by telling you a bit of things that are in my head and go on from there. I've been feeling really good lately and I havent had any nightmares in a little over two weeks. I'm glad because its not a good feeling and I'm tired of worrying about the mess. when I was younger I would have really bad dreams and I would be afraid of everything. I would have panic attacks and it got so bad my school told my parents that I needed to see someone. By someone I mean a "shrink" I remember being so embarrassed the day the school doctor came to get me out of class. We all knew what her job was and I did not want my classmates to think I was unstable. We would just talk about things and it only went on for a week. A couple months passed and the nightmares got worst I began praying for God to kill me. I don't remember why I was so damn scary but I was and even now I look back and think it was all sillyness. The worst thing I ever did was to jump out of a moving car I had lost my mind, and still it doesn't seem like something I would do and the memory of it is blurred but I only know what I was told happened and the people who were kneeling beside me. 4 years ago my mother gave birth to a little boy and he looks exactly like me, we look at my kid pictures and his and couldn't tell us apart. I know had something to live for and even though I still have a creeper invading my dreams every now and then, when I wake up I don't yell or fight the pillows like an insane person, I breath and tell myself that was not real.


ALL of the characters are misunderstood in truenotebooks, the guys are suppose to be these dangerous crazy criminals but reading the stories they just seem like normal teens who made a few bad choices. I think the guards mainly Mr. Sills are misunderstood as well, I feel like they have to be mean and show that they are in charge so that they are not run over by the teens and order is kept. A time when I felt misunderstood was when I kissed this dude in band camp it was all in fun but people were on facebook repotrting it like it was news, telling my parents what I did and saying I was gay I'm not it was just some lame thing my friends said do and I did, lips are lips to me so it was whatever. I don't care what they say about me and I never bothered to explain myself because people believe what they want and if you know me you know me and if you don't who are you to care or tell me anything

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