Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Inside and out.

@ Tonas

Dear Stranger,

The world seems to stare at me with eyes of hatred. Every step and turn I make seems to come out negatively. Every jump ahead I get seems to be a jump back. Even when I think I am ahead this world proves me wrong. In the eyes of this planets inhabitants I am a statistic I am what you try to weed out. Believe it or not I am just like you I have the same intelligence as those who make a good living The only difference is I have made bad decisions. Everyone makes them I just made alot of them. That is a part of growing up I guess. I wish people would see whats inside me instead of the outside. I wish people would not be so materialistic, but accept things and people as they come.
I am normal I just do not seem that way, If you sat down with me and talked to me with respect I would probably impress you. Sometimes I think it is mans own fear of advancement that causes this. The truth is I have come to a decision that I will be me and not someone else for society to accept me. With this statement I further sink into the thought of what makes me me.

I believe in Persepolis all characters are misunderstood. Everyone who fights in a sense is misunderstood. All the people want is there freedom and equality. The government does not understand this concept, they believe the people are just fighting for the trouble it will cause. It is deeper than that, they are fighting for them. Anyone who protests and becomes a martyr is misunderstood. The people are oppressed they just want freedom. The big issue is that they can not achieve that as long as they are oppressed by the government thus they lash out with protests.
I am a very misunderstood person. Most people believe my grades show who I am. They do not because underneath me I am highly intelligent. Another misunderstanding people have with me is my work. People think I am lazy and just do not want to do the work. The true case is I am always trying sometimes other assignments speak more to me. I have my methods. For discussions where analysis is key I tend to stay quiet absorb and store what I learn. For creative or discussion based assignments I tend to be more active. Mt work ethic is messed up, but in the end I always give what I can. I am not lazy I just learn differently. Notes do not help me sometimes but just listening does. Most of my misunderstandings are educational based ones.


  1. I love how you talk about being misunderstood on an educational bases... It's like, I get exactly what you mean and I've totally felt like this for a lot of my life. You did a really good job wording it, impressive man. :)

  2. I think everyone is misunderstood at some point, its all about how we put yourself out there. Everyone is diffrent we have to adjust our ways to make everyone feel comfortable and understand or else we'll just be misunderstood.

  3. I like the word play."I have my methods" that's all you needed to say because with that you can get through anything. Have your methods.
