We are currently reading the same book. In a later part in our book the main character Marjane goes through a same similar situation. This time shes dressed punk and has her hair gelled up. The point ion the book is when shes at the cafe sitting alone and her friends are discussing her obvious personality and identity issues she is having. They comment on how her look is ugly, how shes crazy and weird for telling someone she is french. This of course sparks change in Marjane this would be the beginning of a series of changes that she would eventually undergo.
I never really went through an identity crisis. The way I am has always been acceptable in my community. I usually always appear to be a funny goofy intelligent teenager. No one really ever rejected me for who I was or looked down upon me. I think that was simply because alot of people understood what it means to be a smart kid trying to make his way through society and goofy is my thing.
In another sense my actions are looked down upon. People tend to say I make bad choices without thinking but they do not understand the context of the situation. They do not understand I made the chocie for a reason a personal one. Poeple also look down on me because of my excuses supposedly. An excuse to another is a reasonf or the other. As for my indentity I have always be sure of who I was. I was meant to be the comic relief yet serious guy. Poeple have always accepted that. Some teacher or peers my hate this but they come to understand why I am the way I am and why I act like I do.
Marjane is going through her teenage years alone without her family. She has her values instilled within her but at the same time acceptance is an issue. Marjane started to smoke weed,hash and other things that were against her religion to which she would acknowledge. Marjane copes with this by going further into her depression and drug addiction. She would deal with the matter as a whole by going home to escape her mistakes and identity crisis.
My beliefs and better judgement are always at a stand still and always will cross paths. The fact thatI tend to get in trouble alot is proof of this. I alwayshave the belief that I will do the right thing in the end. My better judgement always takes advantage of this. Usually they say that your first choice is the right one and that is another belief. Due to this I act on my emotions and feelings alot. This leads me to alot of issues. Uusally I will try to ultimately weigh the situation out and make sense of it. An example of this was when I was sick and I had to leave school I was not suppose to but my health depended on it. I tookt he risk of leaving (many times for various reasons), As an end result I would always come out fine. I do not really go on my religion as a choice factor. My religion does not impose my views or conscience or anything for that matter. I tend to live life. Of course i follow the direct rules that are set and do nothing out of the box.
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