Everyone has their own view of the world. Because of this, every one has their own view of whats acceptable in terms of style. In some cases, oldeer generations and maybe even some that are in our generation will look down on others because they don't fit a certain lifestyle or act a certain way or even have the same political views. The level at which this "looking down upon" occurs at different levels and in different ways. For example, certain people are looked down upon because of the tatoos they have or the way they dress and while it is true that there are certain things that are only appropriate at certain times, there should be a certain level of creativity that should be allowed. With me, there have been times when I would be hanging out with my friends and I would be wearing jeans with holes in the knees or a "scary looking" metallica shirt or both and I have gotten looks from older folks. I could tell that they were instantly catagorizing me as some sort of punk/ metalhead / anarchist and then some just dismiss me form there. Others will say something to me in the nature of, "that is an interesting shirt you have there. do you like Metallica?" when what they are thinking is "holy shit that guy scares me, why is he wearing a shrit that has all those crosses on it?" that doesnt happen so much any more. I have surrounded myself with creative people who have respect for my style and my beliefs. I understand how in True Notebooks, the boys would feel looked down upon for their respective styles. I mean, following a certain lifestyle is what landed them there in the first place. What I'm saying is I know where they are comming from.
A lot of people have a belief that you have to choose, God's way or what is "fun". Most people when they hear someone talk about God, they are immeadiatly forming lists in their heads of what they can't do. (getting religious for a sec...) God's purpose for our lives is not to limit what we can and cannot do but if you think about it, the things God asks us not to do are really for our better intrests... I mean, like, for example, in the Bible, it says that you should not drink to excess, maning that you should not get drunk, this doesnt mean that you cannot drink, it just means that you should not be stupid about it. There are a lot of other hings out there that sound the same, but at their core they are all very different. True Christianity, however, is and has been the most consistant throught history...just saying. So no, my beliefs have never conflicted ith my decision making because I am in agreement with them all the time. In True Notebooks, the characters have all made decisions that have landed them in prision, but now, because of their newfound, or in some cases strengthened, faith in God they are able to avoid the problems that most people get themselves into. It gives them hope for a better future. It helps them carry on and stay sane.
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