Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 8:Keke

In this world beliefs are core to who someone is at the heart. Many times doubt or influence can block the path to your beliefs, personally, socially, and religiously. Alot of the characters in my book are faced with issue a conflict with there beliefs and there better judgement. An example of this is when Mrs. Nasrine's son was given a goolden key and was told that if he did go to war and die for his people who would go to heaven and be rewarded. He is a young man given the option of death and heaven to be with his God and not doing so and going to hell. You can assume he would take the key as he would not truly go against his beliefs. Do characters in your book face such adversity? If, so how do they cope with it? What was there final decision of the matter? Have your beliefs and better judgement ever crossed paths keeping you at a stand still? If so how and what was your decision?

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