In the book I'm reading Percepolis, the way Marji and her family copes with their beliefs and acting upon it, is that they are almost completely reckless in their actions. They aren't afraid to stand up for themselves and "fight for their rights!". I think that's very admirable. And I think that I'm the same way at times. Sometimes I ignore some of my beliefs and just go against my own judgement, sometimes it turns out good and sometimes it turns out bad. But I think it's always a very brave thing to do to take a chance. I can't recall exact moments in my life where my beliefs and judgement have crossed paths. But I'm sure they will at some point in my life.
Like Marjane, I've gone through many identity changes myself.
For instance, I've always grown up in a very cuturally Jewish home.
I always participated in the holidays, and ate the traditional home cooked meals my mother made. Except I never really felt like I belonged. I started to become distant from my family's beliefs. At age 10 I decided I was Agnostic. And now at age 18 I'm now Atheist. When I told my mother that I didn't believe in God and I didn't want to fully identify with being Jewish she was very upset. She didn't accept it for months. I'm not even sure if she still does accept it. She though that by telling her that it meant that I didn't believe in her morals. Which didn't make any sense to me. To me realigion has nothing to do with having morals, you can have morals on your own and still not have any faith in religion. In fact when I told her all of this it even made her cry. Of course I felt bad, but I couldnt' go against what I believed in (or in this case, didn't believe in). The only person in my family who truly understood was my father. But he has always been very understanding of me. I always go to him when I need to tell him something I don't want my mom to know. Hopefully one day she will be able to accept who I am and we can move on from it.
i totally understand your situation with your mom, you just have to so what you feels right. how can you ever know what you want in life if somebodys always babying you and trying to tell you what to believe in and how to act,, as long as you know your not doing anything bad then you will b ok, but jus do you and dont worry about the religion thing, its not for every one,and that dosent make at all a bad person. but i for sure know how you feel when your mom dont accept the way you look at life,, ive gone to hell and back from all that bullshit, so please just be a good person and juss b yourself , thats all that matters