In truenotebooks the guys somtimes have so much on their mind they can't think of anything to write, so Mark will give them a topic sometimes one word "distance" and they'll write whatever comes to mind. Francisco decided to write a letter in a bottle that serves as final message to the world. If you were to write a message in a bottle, a message that tells the world whats really in your heart, what would your message say.
Francisco wrote:
Dear Stranger:
This is my last statment on earth. I know people look at me like a ciminal and a no-good person. A gang member that's a menace to society because I'm incarcerated, but it's not true. I am a person who is discovering who he really is. I found out that I am a person with many talents.
I know in here sometimes I have to put a mask on and become somebody that I am really not, but that's how you survive in here. I might seem like if I'm big and tough, as if I'm hard as a stone on the outisde, but deep inside of me, I am a person with fear, anger and hurt.
If I was to die today, and you tell people about me, just tell them that I'm finally free, because I don't have to be nobody that I don't want to be.
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