Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 7 responses

Dear Random Person Who Finds This Letter,
This is hard to write because I am still so young and havne't experienced a whole lot yet.
I guess by the time someone finds this, I'd want to them to know that I had always hoped to acomplish something great in the world. I hope by now that I have. I'm not sure what exactly but I want it to make some sort of statement. Right now in my life I am trying to handle stress of being in a different environment, and being more indepandant than I used to be. Not to say that i was never independant before. I'm not really sure how people see me, sometimes I think I come off as lazy. When in reality I really do try and right now I've been trying harder than ever.
I tend to hide my emotions as best as I can. So I guess that if I come off as being heartless I truly am not and I hope some day people realize that.
- XoXo Leah
In my book Percepolis, the main character Marji seems to feel misunderstood many times. Especially in her younger years. Not everyone understands her ideals, especially the ones older than her. I don't think she even completely comprehends what she is saying sometimes.
I've felt misunderstood many times, because of the way I think or feel about certain subjects.
It's sometimes hard to deal with, because I am a very deffensive person. Always have been, even when I was as young as four years old. I think it's because I have an older sister who picked on me a lot, like any older sibling would. It made me want to always have the last word in every argument. To this day I'm still the same way but I think I've toned it down a bit.
I've learned by getting older than it shouldn't really matter what others think of how you truly feel or if your ideas don't make sense to them. Not everyone has the same mind-set. So I just say "fuck it" and move on, or if it's really worth it I try to explain what I really mean. And if they still don't get it, I just let it go.


  1. haha, you are not heartless leah :)

  2. haha I can come off as it sometimes I think to certain people.but thank you:D

  3. dude i am heartless too gurl dont feel bad i have no heart!!!!!!!!

  4. Oh I don't feel bad! That's the problem haha. But there are certain people in my life that I do have a lot of emotion for.

  5. Thats awesome. I think everyone has a heart just that our hearts don't beat for the same reason as others. It took me awhile to find out what my heart beats for
