CJ:truthfully i feel as if our generation could be a geniside in a diffrent way. i feel as if our generation is killing of the way wee look and act towards people. i dont know if its just me or somthing but i think that the teens in our generation have little respect for elders, we have all this new technology and were denying others cuz we feel as if we know everything. its almost as if kids are growing up with media to set there futures, and not all media is possitive,,,,now as for the real genocides like in west africa and darfur. I think its power, the government wants full power over everyonebecuase they probably see that there comunities and country is falling apart, and also falling deeper and deeper into debt or whatever it is, but there has to be some dark dark dark! hate in the person or group of people who started all this. If our country went crazy and tried to force us all to kill and steal, and all that crazy shit. i honestly dont want to say i would go along with it,buttt i would be terrifyed to die, actually i would prolly just die, that stuff is way to crazy to even consider.
ADAM:in true noot book i feel as if jimmy wu didnt really want to be there becuase he got sent to the black box for smoking dope, but he got cuaght in a embarrasing way.The next writting session they had he came in with his head down becuase he knew everyone found out that he had gooten caught bhecuase the lighter fell out his ass. Mark still encourages him to right though, so even though he didnt want to be there he still showed that he had faith.. in my life school was the thing i hated the most even in third grade i was falling of , luckly for me my aunt was the only person in my family persuing college. She gre up dirt poor and she was on her way to sucsees , so she knew what the future really held for people and the opportunities one can have in life. She sat my hyper ass down almost every day. she got me to work for sure, and my mom made sure of it, and wen i didnt want to my mom would get her big mexican belt with the eagle on it and hit me with it. it was messed up but i was ignorant, but thanks to my aunt i know working hard can take you anywere .